Refer a Patient

Thank you for entrusting Orthopaedic Associates to care for your patients.

To refer your patient for an appointment with one of our doctors, email your referral to or submit an online request by completing the online form below.

Once we receive your request, we will contact your patient directly within 24 hours to schedule their appointment. 

If you have any questions, please contact our office at 850-315-9277.

To contact our Workers' Compensation department, please visit Workers' Compensation.

For additional resources such as a practice overview sheet, referral sheet, or to order printed referral pads, please use the button below.

Referring Office Contact Information
If you would like a confirmation of your patient's appointment, please provide your fax number.
Patient Information
Was this injury/condition related to workers' compensation?
Patient Has Completed
Requested Time to Be Seen